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Columbia Gorge Surgery Center
Day of Surgery
**Please, NO CHEWING, EATING OR DRINKING AFTER MIDNIGHT (12:00 AM) the night prior to surgery. This includes gum, breath mints, chewing tobacco, water, tea, coffee, juice, etc.**
Upon arrival you will check in with the front desk, fill out or update registration information and receive financial agreements.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Leave all jewelry, body piercings, and valuables at home
Do not wear make-up or any strong scented colognes, perfumes or scented lotions. Deodorant is Okay.
Arrange in advance for a responsible adult (18 or older) to pickup you up at CGSC, drive you home and remain with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. You cannnot drive yourself or be left alone.
You may take a taxi or public transportation ONLY IF you have your responsible adult with you. Medicare Guidelines 416.52(c)(3)
Because it is normal to feel dizzy and a little drowsy after surgery, do not drive, sign important papers, or make any significant decisions for 24 hours following your procedure.
You will be assisted to the pre-op area where an IV, vitals and health information will be obtained.
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